Over two hundred members strong, Figge volunteers are an asset to the museum. Figge volunteers work in education, library resource, administrative support, and visitor services. Volunteers are always appreciated and valued. The staff members are ever grateful to the volunteers they work alongside. Volunteers serve as Figge ambassadors and active advocates for the museum daily. Together, volunteers and staff members work to adhere to the museum’s mission of public service through the use of art.
Volunteer Opportunities
Education Department
Studio Volunteers
Volunteers are needed year-round to help with studio art classes. Prepare the classrooms, help with projects, accompany classes to the gallery visits, and meet parents for drop-off/pick-up. Any creative person will enjoy this volunteer shift. Hours: weeknights and weekends, school breaks, and summer weekdays
Docent Candidate Program
Do you love learning about art and sharing it with others? Looking for volunteer opportunities or ways to get involved? Interested in a way to connect with fellow art-lovers? If so, consider becoming a Figge volunteer docent by joining the 2024 Docent Candidate Program! Candidate docents must have a strong interest in visual arts, enjoy public speaking and have a genuine appreciation for museum education. Knowledge of art history and studio art is helpful, but not required. There is no cost to participate, however candidates must be current Figge members. To learn more, contact Gallery Interpretation and Engagement Coordinator Heather Aaronson at haaronson@figgeartmuseum.org.
Development Department
For more information about volunteering with our Development Department, please contact Sara Morby, Development Officer, at 563.345.6642 or smorby@figgeartmuseum.org
Visitor Services Attendant
Friendly and dependable volunteers are needed to assist museum staff by greeting visitors, handing gallery guides and answering basic questions. All shifts during museum hours.Days/hours: Tuesday through Sunday mornings and afternoons, Thursday evenings and Special Events as needed.
Administration Support
On occasion, the museum needs help with bulk mailings. Stuff, count, label, and sort envelopes. Also, organizing, filing, data entry, or phone calling duties might be available. This would be good for you if you enjoy working behind the scenes, and perhaps chatting with your neighbor. Days/Hours: Museum hours of operation.
Special Event Support
The museum hosts a variety of events that help to support and promote the mission of the museum. For events, there is often preparatory work such as decor and day of work such as ticketing assistance, coat check and more! Days/Hours: As needed.